Example: UpdateReauthQuery

In the following example query, bind variables marked with question marks are used with UpdateReauthQueryParam listed below the query.
UpdateReauthQuery update SIMUSER set  REAUTH_ID=?, COUNTER=?, \
      NONCE_S=?, NEXT_REAUTH_ID=? where IMSI=?
UpdateReauthQuery %0
UpdateReauthQuery %2
UpdateReauthQuery %3
UpdateReauthQuery %4
UpdateReauthQuery %1
Instead of the previous example, you can also use the following query without the UpdateReauthQueryParam. In this case, SQL quoted values are used to create the SQL query.
UpdateReauthQuery update SIMUSER set  REAUTH_ID=%0, COUNTER=%2, \
      NONCE_S=%3, NEXT_REAUTH_ID=%4 where IMSI=%1