This optional parameter allows you to customise the exact form
of the insert query used to insert accounting data. All date formatting
characters are permitted. For more information, see
Section 3.4. Date formatting. %0 is replaced with the
value of the AccountingTable parameter. %1 is replaced with the comma
separated list of column names to be inserted (derived from Acct-
ColumnDef), and %2 is replaced by the data values to be inserted for each
column in the same order as %1. The columns and values will be in
alphabetical order by column name. The default is ‘insert into %0 (%1)
values (%2)’.
You can use this to use special features in your SQL
server, such as this for MySQL:
# maybe update if this is a duplicate
AcctInsertQuery update or insert into %0 (%1) values (%2)