3.111.3. AcctLogOutputDef Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

This optional parameter allows you to change the way Radiator formats accounting log JSON output by mapping RADIUS attributes to JSON fields. Multi-valued RADIUS attributes are added as a JSON array. When this parameter is not defined, all RADIUS attributes are encoded. The general format is:
AcctLogOutputDef jsonattributename[,radiusattributename]
If radiusattributename is omitted, jsonattributename is used as RADIUS attribute name. Special variables, such as %n, can also be used in radiusattributename. Note that in this case % must be the first character in the radiusattributename.
For extensive customisation of JSON and other formats, see LogFormatHook and Radius::LogFormat module. For a configuration sample, see goodies/logformat.cfg file in the Radiator distribution.
# Use JSON and define what we want in the JSON output
OutputFormat json

# Use RADIUS attribute as JSON field name
AcctLogOutputDef Connect-Info

# Map attribute to JSON field
AcctLogOutputDef Custom-Event-Timestamp, Event-Timestamp

# Use special variables
AcctLogOutputDef Custom-Original-Username, %u
AcctLogOutputDef Custom-User-Name, %n