9.1.5. BEGIN-VENDOR vendorname [parent=attributename] Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

Specifies that all subsequent ATTRIBUTE keywords, until the next END-VENDOR are to be interpreted as VENDORATTR definitions for the named vendor.
The optional parent=attributename syntax is needed when Vendor-Specific attributes from extended space, as defined by RFC 6929, are used. The following example shows how to define a Vendor-Specific Attribute named OSC-Uid and an Extended-Vendor-Specific Attribute named OSC-Extended-Example. These both use Vendor-Id 9048 and Vendor-Type 1. The full "dotted number" notation that uniquely identifies OSC-Extended-Example is 241.26.9048.1. The unique identifier of OSC-Uid Vendor-Specific Attribute is 26.9048.1.

VENDORATTR 9048 OSC-Uid 1 string

BEGIN-VENDOR OSC parent=Extended-Vendor-Specific-1

ATTRIBUTE OSC-Extended-Example 1 string

For backwards compatibility, format=attributename is also allowed. The exact syntax used by different implementations is still evolving.