3.32.13. IgnoreIfMissing Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

Normally, if a user is not present in the user database, they will always be rejected. If this optional parameter is set, and a user is not in the database, the enclosing AuthBy ignores the request. If they are in the database, they will be accepted if and only if their check items pass in the normal way.
This option is usually only useful in conjunction with one or more following AuthBys.
IgnoreIfMissing does not change database failure behaviour. When a database lookup fails, database failure behaviour is triggered and ignore is returned while the database is deemed to be in failed state. Database failure behaviour is not triggered when IgnoreIfMissing sets AuthBy result to ignore.
If user is not found and DEFAULT users are looked up and found, IgnoreIfMissing does not apply.
# Consider the second LDAP server only when the user is not found
# from the first LDAP server or the first LDAP server has failed.
      # This is also the default AuthByPolicy
      AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileIgnore
      <AuthBy LDAP2>
            # Other configuration parameters
      <AuthBy LDAP2>
            # LDAP configuration parameters