3.26.5. LogSock Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

This optional parameter specifies what type of socket to use to connect to the syslog server. The possible values are:
  • native
  • eventlog
  • unix
  • inet
    This means that TCP is tried first, then UDP.
  • tcp
  • udp
  • stream
  • pipe
  • console
The default is to use the Sys::Syslog default of native, tcp, udp, unix, pipe, stream, console.
Due to limitations in the Sys::Syslog Perl module, if you have multiple <AuthLog SYSLOG>, <AcctLog SYSLOG> or <Log SYSLOG> clauses and if any one has LogSock defined, all of them must have LogSock defined.
If you use TCP, we recommend you to define both LogHost and LogPort. If you have not defined LogPort and you see error "TCP service unavailable", this means Sys::Syslog is unable to find the destination port. To resolve this, either use LogPort to define the port or add syslog/tcp or syslogng/tcp definitions to /etc/services file. For more information about LogPort, see Section 3.26.10. LogPort.