3.71.39. ProxyAlgorithm Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

You can specify one or more hosts to connect to. The default proxy algorithm is to attempt to connect to the first listed host. If it does not reply within NoreplyTimeout seconds, Radiator logs a fail-over and attempts to connect the next listed host.
You can change this default proxy algorithm by configuring ProxyAlgorithm. Currently, it supports the following values:
  • FailOver
  • EAPBalance
  • HashBalance
  • LoadBalance
  • VolumeBalance
  • RoundRobin
ProxyAlgorithm is not set by default, which means that FailOver method is used. Format specifiers, such as %{GlobalVar:name}, are evaluated when the configuration is loaded.
LoadBalance and VolumeBalance use BogoMips parameter to determine which target Host to use. For more information, see Section 3.43.1. BogoMips.