3.67.5. RestAuthReplyDef Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

This parameter allows you to specify how to use REST API reply parameters as check, reply or other items during authentication.
You can specify any number of RestAuthReplytDef parameters, one for each parameter sent to the server. The general format is:
RestAuthReplyDef replyparam,attributename[,type[,formatted]]
  • replyparam is the REST parameter name
  • attributename is the name of the attribute that is used as the check, reply or other item. The special attributename ‘GENERIC’ indicates that the replyparam value is a list of comma separated attribute=value pairs.
  • type indicates whether replyparam is a check, reply or other item. Possible values are “check” or “reply” for check and reply items. If type is “request” the value is saved in the current request, from where it can be later collected with a special formatting macro like: %{attributename}.
  • formatted indicates that the value specified with attributename is to be subject to special character processing before being used.
The type and formatted fields are optional. If they are not specified, type defaults to empty and formatted defaults to not enabled.


The following example uses 3 parameters from REST API requests Radiator receives. Parameters "nas_id" and "client_mac" must match request attributes "NAS-Identifier" and "Calling-Station-Id", respectively. Parameter "sess_timeout" sets the value for reply attribute "Session-Timeout".
# How to handle reply for REST authentication request
RestAuthReplyDef nas_id,NAS-Identifier,check
RestAuthReplyDef client_mac,Calling-Station-Id,check
RestAuthReplyDef sess_timeout,Session-Timeout,reply
Password check is defined with configuration parameters PasswordAttr, EncryptedPasswordAttr and ServerChecksPassword.