3.122.6. StatsInclude Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

StatsInclude allows defining exceptions for statistics objects that would be otherwise skipped by StatsExcludeObject configuration parameter. StatsInclude value specifies a type and value separated by a comma. The following types are supported:
  • Client, name: Include Client clause that matches <Client name> configuration clause
  • Client-Identifier, identifier: Include Client clause with Identifier identifier configured
  • Handler, identifier: Include Handler clause with Identifier identifier configured.
  • Realm, identifier: Include Realm clause with Identifier identifier configured.
For more about excluding objects from statistics, see Section 3.122.5. StatsExcludeObject. StatsInclude is ignored when the type is not defined with StatsExcludeObject.
# We don't want to see client statistics, except for these two
StatsExcludeObject Client
StatsInclude Client,
StatsInclude Client-Identifier, bgn-gateway