3.11.40. TLS_TraceState Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

TLS_TraceState is a flag parameter that turns on TLS state tracing for TLS-based Stream modules, such as AuthBy RADSEC, ServerRADSEC and HTTP Client. This may be useful for additional debugging of TLS handshake processing. TLS_TraceState is not set by default.
Radiator 4.27 with Net::SSLeay 1.92 and later automatically enables TLS handshake message logging when log level is set to DEBUG or higher with Trace or PacketTrace parameter. When TLS message logging is enabled, TLS state tracing can also be enabled by setting TLS_TraceState. TLS state and messaging logging contain similar information and in most cases it's not useful have them both enabled.
Here is an example of using TLS_TraceState:
# Turn on TLS state tracing for this ServerRADSEC