5.1. From a Radiator SQL user database Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

The convert program in the goodies directory does this conversion. It understands the following arguments:
convert [-h] [-v] [-update] [-password] [-dbsource dbi:drivername:option]
[-dbusername dbusername] [-dbauth auth] [-validfrom YYYYMMDD]
[-validto YYYYMMDD] [filename ...]
perl goodies/convert -password -validfrom tod -validto '6 months' /etc/passwd
User details are read from /etc/passwd. Users that are not already in the RAdmin database are added. Username and encrypted password and full name are added, added date is set to today. The valid from date is set to midnight at the beginning of today, and the valid to date is set to 6 months from today.
perl goodies/convert -dbsource dbi:Oracle:radiusdb \
-dbusername mikem -dbauth fred -update
Connects to the Radiator database on the Oracle SID “radiusdb”, using the Oracle user name mikem, and Oracle password “fred”. All users found in the database are inserted or updated into the RAdmin database. For new users, the Added Date is set to today, but the Valid From and Valid To dates are not set for any users.