4. Configuring DIAMETER server

A <ServerDIAMETERTelco> clause is required to create a listen socket for the incoming Diameter peer connections.

4.1. <ServerDIAMETERTelco>

This section describes the configuring parameters of <ServerDIAMETERTelco>.

4.1.1. Peer

This parameter defines the name or IP address of the Diameter peer. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. This parameter is required when <DiaPeerDef> is configured to act as an initiator.

4.1.2. Port

This is an optional parameter, which defines the network port <ServerDIAMETERTelco> listens to for connections from Diameter peers. For more information, see Radiator reference manual Opens in new window under section <ServerDIAMETER>.

4.1.3. BindAddress

This is an optional parameter, which defines one or more network interface addresses that are listened to for incoming Diameter connections. For more information, see Radiator reference manual Opens in new window under section <ServerDIAMETER>.

4.1.4. MaxBufferSize

This is an optional parameter, which defines the maximum number of octets buffered in output. For more information, see Radiator reference manual Opens in new window under section <ServerDIAMETER>.

4.1.5. Protocol

This is an optional parameter, which allows choosing transport layer protocol, TCP or SCTP, for carrying Diameter messages. For more information, see Radiator reference manual Opens in new window under section <ServerDIAMETER>.

4.1.6. ReadTimeOut

This is an optional parameter, which defines the maximum time, in seconds, to wait for incoming Diameter connection to complete the initial handshaking. The default value is 10. For more information, see Radiator reference manual Opens in new window under section <ServerDIAMETER>.

4.1.7. TLS_*

These parameters enable and configure of TLS authentication and encryption. For more information, see Radiator reference manual Opens in new window under section "TLS configuration". To enable TLS, you need to define TLS_Protocols configuration parameter with the other TLS related parameters, such as certificates, that depend on your operating environment.
Old configuration parameters UseTLS and UseSSL are obsolete and should not be used. Use TLS_Protocols instead.