Radar understands a number of command line arguments:
radar [-h] [-v] [-d] [-i inifile] [tk options]
-h Print usage text and exit.
-v Print Radar version number and exit.
-d Debug, print out details of commands sent to and from each
Radiator, plus other Radar debugging detail. Useful only for Radar
maintainers and customisers.
-i inifile Specifies an alternative configuration file location.
The default location is .radar.ini in the users home directory on Unix,
and radar.ini in the current directory on Windows.
tk options Radar understands all the generic Tk options such as
-background, -class, -display, -font, -foreground, -geometry, -iconic,
Run radar on Unix with the default config file:
radar on Microsoft Windows with a common configuration file
radar -i c:\radar.ini
Run radar on Unix,
starting with a custom config file, the window at 800 pixels wide and 400
pixels high in the top left corner of the display on
radar -i /share/radar.ini -geometry 800x400+0+0 -display