3.133. <GossipRedis>

<GossipRedis> clause is used to configure a Redis based Gossip instance. For more information about Gossip framework, see Section 11. Using Gossip framework.
Radiator's Gossip framework requires Data::MessagePack Perl module. <GossipRedis> requires Redis Perl module.
For a configuration sample, see goodies/farmsize.cfg.

3.133.1. Host

This parameter specifies the Redis server to connect to. The default value is
Here is an example of using Host:
# IPv6 is not supported yet

3.133.2. Port

This optional parameter specifies the symbolic service name or port number of the Redis server. The default value is 6379.
Here is an example of using Port:
Port 6380

3.133.3. Sock

This specifies Unix domain socket to connect to Redis server. There is no default.
Here is an example of using Sock:
Sock /var/run/redis/redis.sock

3.133.4. Sentinels

This specifies Redis high availability Sentinels to connect to. There is no default and Sentinel service is not used by default.
Here is an example of using Sentinels:

3.133.5. SentinelService

This specifies the name of the service to connect to via sentinels when Sentinels is set. The default value is mymaster.
Here is an example of using SentinelService:
SentinelService radiusmaster

3.133.6. SentinelPort

This specifies the symbolic service name or port number of the Sentinels. The default value is 26379.
Here is an example of using SentinelPort:
SentinelPort 26380

3.133.7. Password

This specifies a password to login to the Redis server. There is no default.
Here is an example of using Password:
Password secret

3.133.8. Prefix

This specifies the prefix for the Redis connection name, pubsub channels, and get/set keys. The default value is radiator.
Here is an example of using Prefix:
Prefix radius

3.133.9. InstanceId

This specifies the instance-specific part of the Redis connection name and pubsub channels. Special formatting characters are supported. The default value is %h.%O (hostname and farm instance number).
Here is an example of using InstanceId:
InstanceId devel-%h.%O

3.133.10. DbIndex

This specifies the Redis DB index. The default value is 0.
Here is an example of using DbIndex:
DbIndex 3

3.133.11. Timeout

This sets the connection and command timeout period in seconds for the connection to the Redis server, sentinel connections, sentinel reads, sentinel writes, server read, and server write. The default value is 1 second.
Here is an example of using Timeout:
Timeout 2

3.133.12. FailureBackoffTime

This specifies the reconnect interval when trying to login to the Redis server. The default value is 10 seconds.
Here is an example of using FailureBackoffTime:
FailureBackoffTime 30