This clause enables external client programs to make an authenticated
TCP connection to Radiator, and use that connection to monitor, probe,
modify, and collect statistics from Radiator. One such external client
program is Radar, a real-time interactive GUI that permits monitoring,
plotting of statistics and much more. For more information, see
Radar website 
Monitor permits the telnet connections and implements a simple command
syntax that allows various actions to be executed. For more information
about the command language that Monitor implements, see
Section 18. Monitor command language. Monitor
permits multiple simultaneous independent connections. Radiator also
permits multiple Monitor clauses, each listening on a different
Monitor authenticates incoming connections. Only if the connection
submits a valid user name and password Monitor honours the requests on
that connection. You can configure Monitor with either a hardwired user
name and password, or with a standard Radiator AuthBy clause. You can
specify one or more AuthBy parameters or AuthBy clauses and an
AuthByPolicy similar to
<AuthBy GROUP>
. For
more information, see
Section 3.38.1. AuthByPolicy. As a security
measure, if a Monitor connection fails authentication 5 times, the
connection is automatically disconnected.
Careless configuration of this clause can open
security holes in your RADIUS host. To avoid this, we recommend you to
take the following actions:
- Limit the clients that can connect with the Clients
- Make sure the configuration file is only readable by root.
- Consider making radiusd run as a non-privileged user.
- Use secure user names and passwords to authenticate access to this
- Disable this clause when not required.