2.3. Installing and upgrading on Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

These packages have been tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8 and 9, and compatible systems such as CentOS, Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux.
To install Radiator:
  1. Download the distribution package for your operating system from Radiator downloads Opens in new window
  2. Install the package. On RHEL 7 and compatible systems use package that ends with el7.noarch.rpm:
    sudo yum install ./radiator-4.xx-nn.el7.noarch.rpm
    On RHEL 8 and compatible systems use package that ends with el8.noarch.rpm:
    sudo yum install ./radiator-4.xx-nn.el8.noarch.rpm
    On RHEL 9 and compatible systems use package that ends with el9.noarch.rpm:
    sudo yum install ./radiator-4.xx-nn.el9.noarch.rpm
  3. Start Radiator and set it to start automatically after you reboot your Linux server.
    sudo systemctl start radiator
    sudo systemctl enable radiator
  4. Test authentication. You should see OK printed to the screen 3 times.
  5. Edit /etc/radiator/radiator.conf to suit your site and needs. Remember to restart Radiator after configuration change with systemctl restart radiator. This reference manual describes the options and parameters.
The package creates the following system user, system group and an empty home directory for Radiator service:
By default, it creates the following directories for configuration, logs, Radiator itself, its utilities and other files. See /opt/radiator/radiator/goodies/ for configuration samples:
Default log rotate configuration is installed as
You can find documentation, additional dictionaries, and the goodies collection in /opt/radiator/radiator/ directory.

Upgrading from a generic, non-el RPM to an el7 RPM

To upgrade from generic non-el RPM packaged Radiator Radiator-x.yy-z.noarch.rpm to el7 RPM, you need to do the following:
  1. Stop the old Radiator instance.
    sudo /etc/init.d/radiator stop
  2. Download the distribution package for your operating system from Radiator downloads Opens in new window
  3. Install the new el7 RPM. The installer removes non-el RPM and notes that old Radiator files are removed. Configuration files installed by the old package will be saved as dictionary.rpmsave, radius.cfg.rpmsave and users.rpmsave. Only files that were locally changed are saved as .rpmsave files.
    sudo yum install ./radiator-4.22-nnn.el7.noarch.rpm
  4. Copy radius.cfg.rpmsave to radiator.conf. This is the configuration file used by new RPMs. Review log file path, dictionary file name and to match the new RPM. See if the possible other .rpmsave files need to be addressed.
  5. Start the server.
    sudo systemctl start radiator

Upgrading from an el7, el8 or el9 RPM

Upgrades between el7 and el8 and el8 and el9 packages do not require any special commands. Use yum install or any other commands that you typically use to upgrade packages. Note: remember to restart radiator after each upgrade.