2. Installing and upgrading Radiator

This section provides instructions for installing and upgrading Radiator. Radiator runs on a wide range of platforms and the installation procedure depends on the platform and the type of package selected.

2.1. System requirements

Radiator requires a number prerequisite packages to be installed before you can install it.

2.1.1. Perl

This is the main program that runs Radiator. It must be installed on your Radiator host. Platform-specific methods for installing Perl are discussed below. Radiator requires Perl 5.8.8 or better. Install and test Perl before proceeding further.
Many Unix distributions include Perl as part of the standard installation. Common Windows Perl distributions include Strawberry Perl.

2.1.2. CPAN

Some of the Radiator features require Perl modules that may not be part of the Perl distribution you are using. For example, there is no prebuilt RPM for Red Hat, or the Windows Strawberry Perl distribution does not include the required module. In this case, you need to install the module from CPAN.
On Windows with Strawberry Perl, review Windows installation before continuing. You can use the tools the Perl distribution provides.
CPAN stands for Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. CPAN is a repository of Perl modules including the core Perl itself. You can use CPAN to search and download Perl modules, view their documentation, source code and change logs.
You can search CPAN for Perl modules with several methods, for example:
Perl comes with tools for downloading and building Perl modules automatically. For more information, see How to install CPAN modules Opens in new window. cpan and cpanm are the common tools, they are run from command line:
cpan Digest::MD5
cpanm Digest::MD5
If you do not have network access, the general procedure for installing a Perl module is:
  1. Unpack the downloaded module in a work area.
    tar zxvf Digest-MD5-2.55.tar.gz
  2. Move to the module directory. See README, INSTALL, and similar files for additional information.
    cd Digest-MD5-2.55
  3. Create the makefile.
    perl Makefile.PL
  4. Build the module.
  5. Run the tests.
    make test
  6. Install the module.
    make install

2.1.3. Digest::MD5

Radiator requires the Digest::MD5 Perl library package (version 2.02 or later). Most modern versions of Perl already include the Digest::MD5 library.
If it is not present in your Perl distribution, see Section 2.1.2. CPAN for how to obtain and install it.

2.1.4. Digest::SHA

Radiator requires the Digest::SHA Perl library package (version 5 or later). Most modern versions of Perl already include the Digest::SHA library.
If it is not present in your Perl distribution, see Section 2.1.2. CPAN for how to obtain and install it.

2.1.5. MD4 digest for MSCHAP and MSCHAPv2

If MSCHAP, MSCHAPv2 or EAP-MSCHAP-V2 support is required, Radiator needs a module that provides support for the MD4 digest. Support for MD4 is provided by Radiator Radius::UtilXS and Digest::MD4. There is no need to install the both modules. You can choose either one.
MD4 support was added in version Radius::UtilXS version 2.0. See Section 2.1.9. Radiator Radius::UtilXS for more information.
If Digest::MD4 is not present in your Perl distribution, see Section 2.1.2. CPAN for how to obtain and install it.

2.1.6. Net::SSLeay and OpenSSL

If support for EAP-TLS, PEAP, EAP-TTLS, EAP-FAST, or any other modules requiring TLS is required, Radiator needs the Net::SSLeay Perl library package. The Perl distributions typically include Net::SSLeay as a prepackaged module.
Net::SSLeay 1.83 or later is required if you use Radiator with SSL/TLS library that has TLSv1.3 enabled. Net::SSLeay 1.92 or later is recommended for all TLS features. Radiator has been tested with TLSv1.3 but TLSv1.3 remains disabled by default.
On Windows with Strawberry Perl, see Section 2.8. Installing and upgrading on Windows for more about installing Net::SSLeay on Windows.
If it is not present in your Perl distribution, see Section 2.1.2. CPAN for how to obtain and install it.
Many TLS-based configurations also require message digest modules. See Section 2.1.5. MD4 digest for MSCHAP and MSCHAPv2.

2.1.7. SQL

To use Radiator's modules that utilise SQL for authenticating, recording, accounting, and other purposes, install the DBI Perl library, the DBD Perl library for your particular SQL database. Radiator does not include an SQL database server. Operating system vendors and Windows Perl distributions typically include DBI and DBD libraries for the common SQL databases as prepackaged modules.
To use SQL:
  1. Install and test your chosen SQL database server.
  2. Install and test DBI.
  3. Install and test the DBD Perl module for the installed database server
On Windows with Strawberry Perl, you can use the cpan or cpanm commands to install the appropriate DBD support for your SQL server.

2.1.8. Memory requirements

The Radiator installation requires approximately 32Mb of disk space. RAM requirements depend strongly on your Radiator configuration and the types of authentication methods being used.
If EAP authentication is not used, Radiator typically starts running at about 20Mb and may grow to around 50Mb and plateau as RADIUS requests are received.
If EAP authentication types, such as TLS, TTLS or PEAP, are used, more memory is needed. This is because Radiator must cache per-user TLS session information in its process memory. If you are handling large numbers of TLS authentications, you also need more memory.

2.1.9. Radiator Radius::UtilXS

Radiator's Radius::UtilXS package contains functionality that is not readily available as pre-built modules. This includes an alternative for Digest::MD4 for MSCHAP based authentication methods and SCTP extended API support. Radiator SIM Pack requires special SHA transformation and IMSI decryption support, which are also available in Radius::UtilXS.
Radiator's Radius::UtilXS package is available from the same location where you can download Radiator from. This package is supported directly by Radiator Software. Availability of Radius::UtilXS is logged during radiusd startup when logging level is set to info (Trace 3 or higher number).

2.1.10. SCTP

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) support depends on operating system Radiator runs on. When the OS supports SCTP, you can configure Radiator to use one-to-one style sockets.
If you install Radiator's Radius::UtilXS package for SCTP extended API support, SCTP multihoming is automatically enabled for Stream based clauses, such as AuthBy RADSEC and ServerDIAMETER. Multiple addresses configured with parameters BindAddress, LocalAddress and SCTPPeer are used with the extended API to bind and connect to all addresses with one call.
Radiator's Radius::UtilXS package is available from the same location where you can download Radiator from. See Section 2.1.9. Radiator Radius::UtilXS for more information. Availability of SCTP extended API is logged during radiusd startup when logging level is set to debug (Trace 4 or higher number).

2.2. Updating from demo or locked version to full version

If your locked version was installed from Linux el9, el8, el7 RPM, Linux suse RPM, Linux deb, or Windows MSI package, update as follows:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 RPM: radiator-locked-4.xx-nn.el9.noarch.rpm
update by installing radiator-4.xx-nn.el9.noarch.rpm
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 RPM: radiator-locked-4.xx-nn.el8.noarch.rpm
update by installing radiator-4.xx-nn.el8.noarch.rpm
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 RPM: radiator-locked-4.xx-nn.el7.noarch.rpm
update by installing radiator-4.xx-nn.el7.noarch.rpm
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 or openSUSE Leap 15.3 RPM: radiator-locked-4.xx-nn.suse.noarch.rpm
update by installing radiator-4.xx-nn.suse.noarch.rpm
Linux Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04, Debian 9, 10 or 11 deb: radiator-locked_4.xx-nn_all.deb
update by installing radiator_4.xx-nn_all.deb
Windows MSI: Radiator-Locked-4.xx.nn.msi
update by installing Radiator-4.xx.nn.msi
If you have installed Radiator from .zip or .tgz source code package, update by doing source code installation using a full version source code package.
If your locked version was running during update, you need to restart Radiator
sudo systemctl restart radiator

2.3. Installing and upgrading on Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux

These packages have been tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8 and 9, and compatible systems such as CentOS, Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux.
To install Radiator:
  1. Download the distribution package for your operating system from Radiator downloads Opens in new window
  2. Install the package. On RHEL 7 and compatible systems use package that ends with el7.noarch.rpm:
    sudo yum install ./radiator-4.xx-nn.el7.noarch.rpm
    On RHEL 8 and compatible systems use package that ends with el8.noarch.rpm:
    sudo yum install ./radiator-4.xx-nn.el8.noarch.rpm
    On RHEL 9 and compatible systems use package that ends with el9.noarch.rpm:
    sudo yum install ./radiator-4.xx-nn.el9.noarch.rpm
  3. Start Radiator and set it to start automatically after you reboot your Linux server.
    sudo systemctl start radiator
    sudo systemctl enable radiator
  4. Test authentication. You should see OK printed to the screen 3 times.
  5. Edit /etc/radiator/radiator.conf to suit your site and needs. Remember to restart Radiator after configuration change with systemctl restart radiator. This reference manual describes the options and parameters.
The package creates the following system user, system group and an empty home directory for Radiator service:
By default, it creates the following directories for configuration, logs, Radiator itself, its utilities and other files. See /opt/radiator/radiator/goodies/ for configuration samples:
Default log rotate configuration is installed as
You can find documentation, additional dictionaries, and the goodies collection in /opt/radiator/radiator/ directory.

Upgrading from a generic, non-el RPM to an el7 RPM

To upgrade from generic non-el RPM packaged Radiator Radiator-x.yy-z.noarch.rpm to el7 RPM, you need to do the following:
  1. Stop the old Radiator instance.
    sudo /etc/init.d/radiator stop
  2. Download the distribution package for your operating system from Radiator downloads Opens in new window
  3. Install the new el7 RPM. The installer removes non-el RPM and notes that old Radiator files are removed. Configuration files installed by the old package will be saved as dictionary.rpmsave, radius.cfg.rpmsave and users.rpmsave. Only files that were locally changed are saved as .rpmsave files.
    sudo yum install ./radiator-4.22-nnn.el7.noarch.rpm
  4. Copy radius.cfg.rpmsave to radiator.conf. This is the configuration file used by new RPMs. Review log file path, dictionary file name and to match the new RPM. See if the possible other .rpmsave files need to be addressed.
  5. Start the server.
    sudo systemctl start radiator

Upgrading from an el7, el8 or el9 RPM

Upgrades between el7 and el8 and el8 and el9 packages do not require any special commands. Use yum install or any other commands that you typically use to upgrade packages. Note: remember to restart radiator after each upgrade.

2.4. Installing and upgrading on Linux: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and openSUSE Leap

These packages have been tested on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 and openSUSE Leap 15.3.
To install Radiator:
  1. Download the distribution package for your operating system from Radiator downloads Opens in new window
  2. Install the package. Use package that ends with .suse.noarch.rpm:
    sudo zypper install ./radiator-4.xx-nn.suse.noarch.rpm
  3. Start Radiator and set it to start automatically after you reboot your Linux server.
    sudo systemctl start radiator
    sudo systemctl enable radiator
  4. Test authentication. You should see OK printed to the screen 3 times.
  5. Edit /etc/radiator/radiator.conf to suit your site and needs. Remember to restart Radiator after configuration change with systemctl restart radiator. This reference manual describes the options and parameters.
The package creates the following system user, system group and an empty home directory for Radiator service:
By default, it creates the following directories for configuration, logs, Radiator itself, its utilities and other files. See /opt/radiator/radiator/goodies/ for configuration samples:
Default log rotate configuration is installed as
You can find documentation, additional dictionaries, and the goodies collection in /opt/radiator/radiator/ directory.

Upgrading from an RPM

Upgrades between SUSE/openSUSE packages do not require any special commands. Use zypper install or any other commands that you typically use to upgrade packages. Note: remember to restart radiator after each upgrade.

2.5. Installing and upgrading on Linux: Ubuntu and Debian

These packages have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 and Debian 9, 10, 11 and 12.
To install Radiator:
  1. Download the distribution package for your operating system from Radiator downloads Opens in new window
  2. Install the package. On Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 and Debian 9 (Stretch), 10 (Buster), 11 (Bullseye) or 12 (Bookworm) the package is named as radiator_4.xx-nn_all.deb:
    sudo apt install ./radiator_4.xx-nn_all.deb
  3. Start Radiator and set it to start automatically after you reboot your Linux server.
    sudo systemctl start radiator
    sudo systemctl enable radiator
  4. Test authentication. You should see OK printed to the screen 3 times.
  5. Edit /etc/radiator/radiator.conf to suit your site and needs. Remember to restart Radiator after configuration change with systemctl restart radiator. This reference manual describes the options and parameters.
The package creates the following system user, system group and an empty home directory for Radiator service:
By default, it creates the following directories for configuration, logs, Radiator itself, its utilities and other files. See /opt/radiator/radiator/goodies/ for configuration samples:
Default log rotate configuration is installed as
You can find documentation, additional dictionaries, and the goodies collection in /opt/radiator/radiator/ directory.

Upgrading from a deb

Upgrades between deb packages do not require any special commands. Use 'apt install' or any other commands that you typically use to upgrade packages. Note: remember to restart radiator after each upgrade.

2.6. Installing and upgrading on Linux: generic RPM package

This RPM should only be used on legacy systems that do not have their specific packages. It is not recommended for new installations. Prerequisite is Perl 5.8.8 or better and Digest-MD5 version 2.02 or better, which are both installed by default in most recent Linux versions.
In Radiator 4.21 and earlier, this was the only type of RPM package available. If you run a system that has a specific RPM available, such as CentOS 7, consider using it instead.
To install Radiator:
  1. Log in as root.
  2. Install the package. Make sure you have the correct package: the package name starts with Radiator and ends with noarch.rpm. The name starts with an upper case R and it must not have any distribution part, such as el7.
    rpm -Uvh Radiator-x.yy-z.noarch.rpm
  3. Start the server.
    /etc/init.d/radiator start
  4. Test authentication. You should see OK printed to the screen 3 times.
  5. Edit /etc/radiator/radius.cfg to suit your site and needs. This reference manual describes the options and parameters.
The RPM package will arrange for Radiator to start automatically each time you reboot your Linux host. Systemd users may want to see goodies/radiator.service for an alternative startup method. By default, it creates the following directories:
You can find documentation, additional dictionaries, and the goodies collection in /usr/share/doc/packages/Radiator-x.yy.

Upgrading generic RPM package

To upgrade, use RPM and restart radiusd:
rpm -Uvh Radiator-x.yy-z.noarch.rpm
/etc/init.d/radiator restart
Check Radiator log file after installation for any errors or other log messages that may require further action.

2.7. Installing and upgrading from repository

Follow the installation instructions from Radiator repository pages available in Radiator Linux package repositories Opens in new window

Upgrading from repository

Upgrades from repository do not require any special commands, use commands that you typically use to upgrade packages. Note: remember to restart radiator after each upgrade.

2.8. Installing and upgrading on Windows

Radiator works on Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 and Server 2008/2012/2016/2019/2022. We recommend installing Radiator with a MSI package that bundles Radiator and Strawberry Perl.
An alternative option is to first install a Perl distribution and then install Radiator from a source code package. This is similar to using a process that is similar to full source distribution installation. For more information, see Section 2.9. Installing and upgrading with full source distribution.
If you'd like to use Radiator source code package, we recommend using Strawberry Perl. For installation packages and support, see their website Strawberry Perl website Opens in new window. Strawberry Perl is also quick and easy to install with a large number of optional modules.
Radiator comes with precompiled Perl modules required for <AuthBy LSA> authentication. <AuthBy ACE> and Digipass authentication require a separate binary module. If you require one of these authentication methods, it limits your choice of Perl version to install.
If you require RSA <AuthBy ACE> support, download Authen::ACE4 from CPAN and compile it for your chosen Perl distribution. For more information, see Section 2.1.2. CPAN. In case you need help with Authen::ACE4 setup, contact Radiator Software.
If you require Digipass module for your chosen Perl distribution, contact Radiator Software.
Radiator currently comes with precompiled modules for Win32::LSA that have been tested with Strawberry Perl. This module comes pre-installed with Radiator MSI packages.

2.8.1. Tips for Radiator on Windows

This section lists some useful notes for installing and using Radiator in Windows environment:
Notes for special configurations:

2.8.2. Installing and upgrading on Windows with MSI package

Radiator MSI package includes Strawberry Perl for convenience. No separate installation of Perl is needed. However, if your environment already has a Perl installation, Strawberry Perl in the package does not disturb it. Supported Windows versions are Windows Server 2012 or newer, but older Windows Server versions can also be used provided they have at least PowerShell 3.0 installed.
To install Radiator, double click the MSI file, approve licence screens, and the installation is done. It is not possible to select where Radiator is installed, it will automatically install to the drive with most space available under \Radiator\Radiator. The package will arrange for Radiator service to start automatically as a Windows service each time you reboot your host.
To test your installation, use radpwtst to send authentication and accounting messages to Radiator:
  1. Click "Radiator Software" -> "Radiator configuration" on Windows Start menu. This opens a Windows Explorer window that shows the contents of Radiator configuration and log directory under "Program Files" folder.
  2. Double click "Perl command line" to open a Command Prompt window
  3. Run radpwtst to send one authentication request and two accounting requests.
    perl radpwtst
    You see OK for all requests. The default configuration accepts all authentication attempts from the host Radiator runs on. Use Windows Explorer to open and view Radiator log files and configuration.
  4. Optional step: If you send authentication requests from a remote host, these requests will be logged but rejected by the default configuration.
Radiator MSI package also supports silent operations, so it is possible to start the installation, upgrade, or uninstallation from command line without any UIs.
Radiator MSI package is not signed.
By default, the installer creates the following directories for configuration, logs, Radiator itself, its utilities and other files. See \Radiator\Radiator\goodies\ for configuration samples:
\Program Files\Radiator\
Configuration, logs and other possible files configuration requires
Radiator configuration samples in goodies\ directory, dictionary file and Radiator itself
Strawberry Perl distribution that comes with a Radiator MSI package
You can find documentation, additional dictionaries, and the goodies collection in \Radiator\Radiator\ directory. For quick access to the above locations, Radiator Software is added to Start menu.

Upgrading and uninstalling the Windows MSI Package

Upgrading works similar way, double clicking the MSI file on the target machine will launch the upgrade functionality. Upgrade will not remove anything from \Program Files\Radiator\, and Radiator Windows Service will be available as it was after the upgrade.
Uninstalling can be done either from double clicking the MSI file used to install the software or from Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs. When uninstalling via MSI file, the only option available is Remove. Repair or Change is not available. All Radiator Software specific items are cleared out during the uninstall, except the \Program Files\Radiator\ folder. This is to ensure your configurations are not lost.

2.8.3. Installing and upgrading on Windows using Strawberry Perl

To install Strawberry Perl and Radiator:
  1. Download and install Strawberry Perl from StrawberryPerl website Opens in new window
    During installation, we recommend installing it in C:\Strawberry. This is the default for the MSI package.
  2. Connect your computer to the Internet so you are able download any required Perl modules from CPAN. For more information, see Section 2.1.2. CPAN.
  3. Open a Command Prompt window. Install the prerequisite Perl modules.
    cd \
    cpan Win32::Daemon
    cpan Digest::MD4
  4. If you are going to use SQL authentication, find the database specific DBD module(s) from CPAN. For example, to install DBD::ODBC:
    cpan DBD::ODBC
  5. If you are going to use LDAP for authentication and accounting, obtain and install Net::LDAP:
    cpan Net::LDAP
  6. If you are going to use EAP TLS, TTLS or PEAP for 802.1x authentication obtain and install Net::SSLeay:
    cpan Net::SSLeay
  7. Download Radiator Zip file from Radiator downloads Opens in new window. Unpack it to the default location, C:\Radiator. When using the default location, Radiator distribution is in C:\Radiator\Radiator-x.yy where x.yy is the version number.
  8. Open a Command Prompt window with administrator access and move to the distribution directory.
  9. Check that your distribution is complete:
    perl Makefile.PL
  10. Run the regression tests
    perl test.pl
    You see lots of lines like ok xx, and none saying not ok xx.
  11. Install Radiator:
    perl Makefile.PL install
    This installs the Radiator programs and libraries in the standard places. It also creates a basic Radiator configuration file in C:\Program Files\Radiator\radius.cfg and a sample users file in C:\Program Files\Radiator\users.
  12. Run Radiator to test the sample configuration:
    perl c:\strawberry\perl\bin\radiusd
    You see some messages, followed by NOTICE: Server started:. Radiator is now waiting for RADIUS requests.
  13. In another Command Prompt window run the test client program:
    perl c:\strawberry\perl\bin\radpwtst -user mikem -password fred
    You see OK for all requests. This proves that Radiator has correctly authenticated the user mikem, whose login details are in the users file in C:\Program Files\Radiator\users.
  14. Rerun radpwtst, this time with the wrong password for mikem:
    perl c:\strawberry\perl\bin\radpwtst -user mikem -password wrong
    You see Rejected: for Access-Request.
  15. If you configure a test NAS to use this server, you are to log in as the user mikem with password fred.

Upgrading Radiator

To upgrade Radiator, repeat the installation using the a Radiator distribution package file. The files in the new distribution will overwrite any files in the old distribution

2.8.4. Troubleshooting Windows service

Windows service does not start

When Windows service does not start at all, the problem can be caused by a missing Perl module. The exact error can be usually found from the Radiator log file, search a line with ERR information or line specifying missing Perl module, for example Can't locate Win32/NetAdmin.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Win32::NetAdmin module).

Windows service does not stay up

When Windows service does start but stops after a while, the problem might also be a missing Perl module. In this case the module is loaded only when it is tried to be used instead of loading the module during startup. Radiator log file can contain information why the service stopped, but this situation can also be troubleshooted with command line.
  • Stop Radiator Windows service if it is running.
  • Start Radiator manually from command line window. Use the shortcut for elevated command line window \Program Files\Radiator\Perl command line Elevated to get Perl environment and have Radiator log file permissions. Radiator log file permissions are needed because debug information is both logged to file and printed to command line window.
  • To start radiusd type for example: perl C:\Radiator\Radiator\radiusd -log_stdout -foreground -trace 4 -config_file "C:\Program Files\Radiator\radiator.conf" The default configuration from the command can be changed to suit the troubleshooting needs.
This will start radiusd and print all the debug information to the command line window and to Radiator log file. Once the request that caused Radiator Windows service to stop is sent to the server again, it is likely that the command line window will show the exact problem.

SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE errors when using command line

When Radiator is run from command line in Windows and <AuthBy LSA> is used, following error might appear: ERR: Could not AdjustPrivilege SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE: A required privilege is not held by the client. on the command line. This means that Radiator must be run on Windows as a user that has the ‘Act as part of the operating system's security policy' (SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE) enabled. The 'Local System' account that the Radiator Windows service runs as has this privilege by default. If all the other errors have been cleared by troubleshooting with command line and only this error is left, Radiator Windows service will work.

2.9. Installing and upgrading with full source distribution

Also known as the tar or zip package, this is the general and widely portable procedure for installing Radiator. However, a number of platform-specific installation methods are also available.
This installation method requires ExtUtils::MakeMaker, which is part of Perl. Some recent Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, may not have ExtUtils::MakeMaker installed by default. Install it with the following command:
yum install perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
The minimum prerequisite is Perl Digest::SHA module, which is part of core Perl since Perl 5.10.0. For example, on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, it is packaged separately as perl-Digest-SHA and can be installed with yum. For more information, see Section 2.1.2. CPAN.
The Radiator full source distribution is supplied as a gzipped, tarred distribution file. The standard distribution file name is Radiator-x.yy.tgz, where "x.yy" is the revision number. Radiator zip distribution is named similarly with file name ending as zip instead of tgz. Save the distribution archive somewhere suitable, such as /usr/local/src/, and unpack it as follows:
zcat Radiator-x.yy.tgz | tar xvf -
In this case, zcat is the GNU zcat command. If your path does not include the GNU zcat:
cat Radiator-x.yy.tgz | gunzip -c| tar xvf -
To unpack a zip distribution, use a GUI tool or command line:
unzip Radiator-x.yy.zip
In either case, this creates a directory Radiator-x.yy into the current directory:
cd Radiator-x.yy
perl Makefile.PL
make test
This runs a fairly exhaustive test suite on your RADIUS server. It can take few minutes.
make install
This optional command installs the RADIUS modules that Radiator requires in your site-Perl directory (for example /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/). It installs the RADIUS daemon (radiusd, the command line password test program radpwtst, the DBM file builder builddbm, and the SQL database builder buildsql in your default directory for local executables, which is typically /usr/local/bin/.
You can omit make install command and run your Radiator directly in the distribution directory.


To upgrade Radiator with .zip or .tgz package, repeat the installation using the new distribution package file. The files in the new distribution will overwrite any files in the old distribution.

2.10. Installing and upgrading on Solaris

On Solaris, we recommend install and upgrade from the tar or zip distribution as described above. Previous Radiator versions were packaged for Solaris, but required Perl from Sunfreeware Opens in new window to find the correct installation locations. We now recommend to install Perl from your preferred source and then use the Radiator tar package for Radiator installation.

2.11. Installing and upgrading on macOS

On macOS, we recommend install and upgrade from the tar or zip distribution as described above. We recommend installing Xcode and Perl installation management tool, such as Perlbrew, which can be used to install, for example, cpanm to obtain modules from CPAN. For more information, see Section 2.1.2. CPAN. This allows you to start working with Radiator without modifying the Perl installation that comes with macOS.
Perl that comes with macOS works with Radiator, but may not have all the modules your configuration might require.

2.12. Installing, upgrading and managing with Ansible

To help manage and install Radiator with a more automatic way, Radiator Software Ansible playbooks are available in goodies directory. On RPM and deb based installations see /opt/radiator/radiator/goodies/Ansible. A file named README.md in this directory contains the latest information about the available playbooks. These playbooks make it easy to:
The playbooks require Ansible 2.7 or later on the Ansible control node. Supported Linux distributions are Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 10, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and compatible systems such as CentOS, Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux. All newer versions of these distributions are also supported.

2.13. Docker containers for Radiator

Radiator Software Dockerfiles for building Docker containers with Radiator are available in goodies directory. On RPM and deb based installations see /opt/radiator/radiator/goodies/Docker. A file named README.md in this directory contains the latest information about the available Dockerfiles. Currently available installation source and target variations are:
Each Dockerfile has a command ready, but commented out, for copying your own Radiator configuration into the container image during the build phase. Linux based Dockerfiles use ENTRYPOINT for running Radiator. Windows containers run Radiator as a Windows service. See the README.md file for tips and ideas on how to customise the Dockerfiles for your own requirements.

2.14. Troubleshooting

If you have trouble installing or running Radiator, see the Radiator log file for hints. For more information about getting help, see Section 21. Getting help.