Radar can alert you with an `announcement' whenever certain events
(both good and bad) occur. You can tell it how to alert you with a
different method for each type of event.
Radar can announce the following events:
connected: Radar has successfully connected or reconnected to a
Radiator. This is a normal and correct event.
disconnected: Radar has become disconnected from a Radiator. This
usually means that the Radiator has exited, or there is some network or
TCP connectivity problem between Radar and Radiator. Radar will
periodically attempt to reconnect. (The time between reconnection
attempts is given by the `Ping interval' parameter in the host's
Tool->Properties dialog).
loggedin: Radar has successfully connected to and logged in to a
Radiator. This is a normal and correct event.
- stalled: A Radiator is still connected by TCP to Radar, but it has
stopped responding to Radar commands for more than a certain period of
time. (The period is set by the `Stalled Time' parameter in the host's
Tool->Properties dialog). This generally indicates a problem with the
Radiator, since it will probably not be responding to Radius requests
- clock_skewed: A Radiator's local clock disagrees with the Radar
host's clock by more than a certain amount. (The amount is set by the
`Max clock skew' parameter in the host's Tool->Properties dialog).
This can be a problem, because it might mean that accounting data is
recorded inaccurately.
- connect_failed: Radar has attempted to reconnect to a Radiator but
failed. Repeated failures due to the same reason will only be announced
once. This is usually due to the target Radiator not running, or a
network or TCP connectivity problem.
For each type of event, you can tell Radar what method(s) to use to
alert you. You can choose one or more of the following:
- Beep: Beeps or rings the bell on the display.
- Popup Window: Pops up a non-modal window with text describing the
event. Click on OK to make the window disappear.
- Email: Send email to a designated address. You can configure the To:
address, From: address and the SMTP server to use. If To: is not set,
sends email to `radar'. If From: is not set, marks the mail as from the
current user. If SMTP Server: is not set, uses the mail server on the
local host. The Subject is set to `Radar event announcement'. Hint :
requires the Perl Net::SMTP module to be installed.
- Run program: Runs an external program. Specify the full path to the
program and any command line arguments. The program runs as the same
user that is running Radar. In the command line, a number of positional
parameters can be replaced automatically: %0 is replaced by the current
time. %1 is replaced by the name of the event type (`connected',
`disconnected' etc). %2 is replaced by the name of the host reporting
the event. %3 is replaced by the text of the announcement message.
With most shells, you would have to put quotes around %0 and
%2, since they may contain spaces.