<AuthBy FIDELIO> authenticates users from Micros-Fidelio Opera.
Opera is a popular hotel Property Management System from
AuthBy FIDELIO acquires the hotel guest list from Opera, and by
default, authenticates each guest using their Room Number as the User-Name
and their Guest Number as their password (this is configurable). By
default, RADIUS Accounting Stops generate Opera PS simple postings. This
can be changed with the PostingRecordID parameter.
If the acquired guest list is empty, this may be caused
by Opera settings where the full guest list synchronisation is disabled.
This option needs to be enabled for AuthBy FIDELIO to work.
By default, accounting postings are sent to Opera following receipt of
an Accounting-Stop. The default PS record will contain:
- P# Automatically generated posting sequence number, starting at
- TA the cost computed by ComputeCostHook or CentsPerSecond
- DU The call duration in seconds
- PT fixed value of ‘C’ (Direct Charge)
- SO fixed value of ‘Internet connection’
- DD Called-Station-Id from the incoming request, with any non-digit
characters stripped out
Additional fields can be added to the Opera posting record with the
PostingExtraFields parameter.
AuthBy FIDELIO requires a connection to the Opera computer system. Both
RS232 serial and TCP/IP (Ethernet) connections are supported. RS232
support requires Device::SerialPort. It is part of CPAN. For more
information, see
Section 2.1.2. CPAN.